Sunday, October 17, 2010

Best Man Wedding Speeches by Dan Stevenson

You are the best man congratulations! Now for the responsibilities, you will assist the groom in his every step and need. You will not be left out of any of the myriad tasks that will need your unwavering attention. Taking the groom to his fitting sessions to getting him the right shoes will all be your responsibility.

The bachelor party’s supervision and organization is also your task. Make sure that the groom does not end up too drunk.

Not just that, you will also help in organizing the event itself, from the flower arrangements to the photography to the music and food will be your responsibility. Ensuring that the guests are having a good time as well as fulfilling the duties required of them will also fall on your shoulders. Keeping an eye on the groom’s alcohol intake is also expected of you. After all he is your best mate and you don’t want him to embarrass himself.

Now for the icing on the cake, please stand up and make the wedding speech. Oh you dint know that? Well it is expected of you to give a humorous, funny, witty and heart touching speech.

No idea on how to go about it!
Fear not! Help is at hand.


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Everyone at one or another time in their life is expected to make a speech. Many of us find this task very daunting and will try to avoid it at all costs. It’s the apprehension of not just standing there and talking but also being smart and witty at the same time that leaves many nervous.

Added to it you don’t just have to speak but you also have to compose the speech yourself, so who can help you with this?

Dan Stevens’ Best Man Speeches can.

This is a user friendly, easy to read and extremely well written book by Dan Stevens, who is a professional speech writer. This book will guide you through all your seemingly unsurpassable mountain of problems while composing and delivering the best man speech.

The book has a remedy for all your best man problems from how to fight stage fright, how to write that speech and how to handle yourself while delivering it. It also gives you suggestions and tips to combat any emergencies.


The main highlight of this book is that it offers more than twenty excellently crafted, funny and memorable best man speeches. These speeches allow you to mix and match according to your individual requirements. Want to make your audiences laugh with funny anecdotes and witty one liners, its all in here. It educates you on how to make use of the best of your emotional moments in composing that best man speech. Speech delivery, general etiquette and stylish toast all is taken care of.

Are you the creative best man who wants to compose his speech from scratch, well then we have something to offer to you too. Professional tips on how to write your speech and be the star of the day, an entire section dedicated just to you.


Let us tempt you with a little more.
Four bonus books FREE! To help you out with the wedding glitches.

  • Total unstoppable Confidence- It is an audio downloadable track. It has been written by a professional hypnotherapist. Pop in your headphones and let him guide you through all the anxieties.
  • Jokes, quotes and One-liners- it gives you tips and also provides you with ample material to make your speech funny and memorable.
  • Bachelor Party Ideas- From the theme for the part to the menu and music, it helps you out with every aspect of the bachelor party. This book will give you ideas which will help you in making the bachelor party a hit with the groom and all those involved.
  • Sample toasts- A collection of more than 100 sample toasts in myriad styles.

While you might be satisfied with all this, we want to add a bit more, a private Email consultation with the author of the book himself. YES! So if you need any advice or tips and suggestion just email him and he will solve your problem himself.


Dan Stevens has left no stone unturned in ensuring that the best mans every problem is looked into and solved. From the organization of the wedding to the delivery of the wedding speech he offers a solution to everything. Not just that he even gives a free personal email consultation just to help you sail through any unique problems that you might face. A winner all the way I say!

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