Friday, December 3, 2010

Men's Grooming Handbook: The complete head-to-toe guide for looking your absolute best

Want to Look Your Best? Don't let sloppy grooming keep you from getting the best jobs, the best table in a club, the best women...or anything else that you thought were just for the other guy!
A brand new Essential Handbook on Men's Grooming makes it FAST, EASY, and AFFORDABLE
It's no secret. Like it or you look affects how you live. From how much money you make to how successful you are in social situations, a handsome, well-groomed appearance is critical to your success in Every Aspect of Life.
Did you know...
  • How you look can impact your salary by up to 18%
  • People who are considered attractive/well-groomed are also considered more trustworthy and honest than people who are not
  • Attractive/well-groomed men will receive more attention in most facets of life
And that's just the beginning!  There is a mountain of research that demonstrates the social and economic benefits to being attractive: 
  • Attractive/well-groomed students get more attention and higher evaluations from their teachers
  • Attractive/well-groomed patients get more personalized care from their doctors
  • Attractive/well-groomed people are assumed to be more extroverted, popular, and happy. 
Why even attractive/well-groomed criminals receive lighter sentences than less attractive defendants! 
If you want to compete in today’s world - professionally and personally - you need to arm yourself with the 'secret weapon' that so many men overlook.  You see, you don't have to be George Clooney handsome to be considered attractive.  Sure,
Looks matter...but not as much as good grooming! And that's why you can't afford to be without...
The Men's Grooming Handbook: The complete head-to-toe guide for looking your absolute best!
With Advice, Strategies, and Checklists. Plus Special Bonus Sections all for less than the price of a haircut.

Price: $14.97
Click here to buy from Amazon

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